Welcome to Sacred Wisdom Collective

A community of creative entrepreneurs wanting to bring practical magic to their business

About Me

Hi, I'm Jenn Bradshaw Almond a Shamanic Success Coach who uses astrology and energy healing modalities to guide creative entrepreneurs through the life cycles of their business.  I help them create healthy boundaries so they may be seen and heard in their brilliance.  I support them by bridging the magical woo world to the practical real world!

Sacred Wisdom Collective

A place for like minded creative entrepreneurs that want to learn how to bridge the metaphysical world into their real world impactful purposeful business.  This community is a place for the curious, the seekers, and the self-development junkies to deepen their awareness through connection, classes, support and more!  You will find clarity and confidence on exactly where you need to get started on this journey.

What's Inside...

As a member you’ll enter in to a community of creative entrepreneurs, boss biz babes, healers and more.  

You’ll receive support, connection and teaching to expand your self-development in the realm of “woo” or the metaphysical.  Not just because it’s magical fun - but because it’s a forgotten resource that needs to be a part of the creative impactful experience that each of you are bringing to this world.

When you enter you’ll have immediate access too my initial signature course The Power of Creating with the Moon (formerly Moon Adventures Society), topics of discussion like ritual + ceremonies, moon mapping strategies, and other cosmic conversations.  There’s also a section of events with direct links to all LIVE and replay Cosmic LiveCasts, workshops and more.  

The community is built with intention, love for the curious and adventure for the creative entrepreneur.  If you want to be connected more deeply and authentically to yourself, your biz and the impact you dream of having in this world - Join Us NOW - hit SUBSCRIBE!